Promoting Arts & Crafts on the Southern Oregon Coast
Curry Art’s member Pat Renner, was juried into two prestigious shows this fall!
“Goth Girls” was juried into the Watercolor Society of Oregon 2021 Fall Watercolor Exhibition and “Silly Robots” and “What’s the Question?” were accepted into the 2021 NWWS Signature Exhibition, which will be on display at the Shack Art Center in Everett, Washington, November 18-January 2.
Congratulations Pat!
Watercolor Meetup Group
Gold Beach Public Library
Recurring Event Thursdays 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Interested in watercolor? Bring your projects and work on them with other painters. Drop in between 3pm-6pm on Thursdays in the upstairs conference room of the Gold Beach Library.
Are you new to painting watercolor?
Please still join us. While this in not a class, there are experienced artists available to help.
The ‘Circle of Gold’ mural project is progressing rapidly but donations to the project are needed. Please consider contributing to this great community project.
The Curry County community is invited to the Circle of Gold mural project design planning meetings on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.
The meetings will be held at the Curry County fairgrounds in the south end of the Livestock Pavilion on the west side of the fairgrounds.
Please contact Janee Lensing at if you have questions and are interested in making a contribution to this terrific project.
More information is also available on the Gold Beach Art Enthusiasts Facebook page
March 17 meeting notes:
*Funding update: To date we have received $2750.00 in the form of individual donations, a $1000 donation from Curry Arts and a grant of $550 from Curry County Cultural Coalition. Gratefully, the donations are still coming in! Many thanks to Curry Arts for the use of a debit card for the money pass thru for C of G.
*Flyer update, Janee and Julie are joining their talents to make flyers to pass out.
* To document our progress with the Circle of Gold mural , Julie and Erin offered to video and/or take photos, as well as other ways, so we can track our project.
*Update on the wall: Stan with Property Pro is going to paint the base wall for us, and we will provide the paint.
*WALL PREP DAY: pull nails/screws etc., tape off doorways, move stuff away from wall, (ladder needed) NOTE: I will send out an email on Tuesday if we still need to have the wall prep day.
*Update on liability forms: fair office is working on it.
* Discussed other room/area options to use for the mural panel painting, if Docia is not available. Other suggestions include Karil’s shop, forestry building and former SWOCC building.
* Volunteer contractor has been contacted for the panel hanging under frame and Becky will meet with him to discuss options.
* Erin will work out an option for the partial panels for the donors and the contributors.
*Many ideas were shared and a table of pictures were looked at and favorite ideas were marked. Next two meetings will be geared to incorporating all the ideas into a mural. EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND these next meetings as we build the mural design. Get those ideas on FB or email them or bring a pic to the meeting. We can use lots of visuals!!
* Youth painting opportunities were shared and help organizing and putting a plan together for that needs input and ideas as well. Educators and youth from Port Orford to Brookings have been notified and invited to participate.
*Next meeting March 24th at 4:30pm
March 10 meeting notes:
Our funding update: CCCC grant $550; Curry Arts donation $1000; and 10 $100 donations for our mural panel fundraiser!!! Excellent work Circle of Gold group!!
The idea is to incorporate all of Curry County in to the mural. Subject matter offered by the Curry County community so far include: Curry County history and cultures (tribal, chinese); gold panning; historic use of the fairgrounds; prize winning animals; agriculture; old fair ie. horse races; dahlias, lilies, fuchsias, daffodil hill; Azalea park; Battle Rock; forest; beach; sunset; sealife ie. Whales, fish, seagulls, sea lions; horses, sheep farms, cranberry bogs; 4H, ie archery, animals, showing animals; Rogue River bridge; forest animals ie. Elk, bears.
This month we have to narrow it down and decide on the design for the mural, so put your artistic talent into a design and bring it to the meeting this month!!! (Julie, get those lilies into your picture!) The drawings should not be too complicated, as the size of the mural is 50ft long and 10 ft high. We discussed the mural in three sections, south, central, north; also painted in a circle pattern.
Idea’s for the youth involvement include: lilies, daffodils, fir fronds, clouds, waves. We will need the teachers and leads of the youth to let us know how many youth they would like to bring, and orchestrate time frames to get everyone that wants to paint the opportunity to be able to paint somewhere on the mural.
We hope to have a design in place, or make a decision by our first meeting in April. Becky will verify with Kaitlyn on the use of Docia Sweet Hall to paint the murals in.
Julie, with help from Becky, will design flyers for us to pass out and hang. Meghan will check with In Motion Graphics for the donor sign idea.
More to come, next meeting is Wednesday March 17th at 4:30…invite anyone you think would like to join the group!!!!! Everyone welcome, we will find a job for all skill sets!!!
March 3, 2021 meeting notes:
The mural project now has an official name: Circle of Gold Community Mural.
The ‘Circle’ represents community, unity and the giant ferris wheel at the annual county fair. ‘Gold’ represents our amazing sunsets, the fair gold medals, and, of course, the shiny stuff found on our beaches during the gold rush era for which our community was named.
The next project meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 4 at 4:30 p.m. on location at the Curry County Fairgrounds. This meeting will focus on the mural design.
Input from all is encouraged and welcome.
The organizational meeting on February 25th was well attended – 12 people including project leaders Becky Schafer and Janee Lensing were in attendance.
The group discussed the genesis, goals and vision for the project, how to move forward, and officially named the project ‘Circle of Gold’.
A rough timeframe for completion of project was established for early July – with the goal of a formal ‘reveal party’ on the first day of Curry County Fair.
The group is seeking: leadership persons to help with the endeavor, design input, assistance with supplies, and donations to help cover costs.
Curry Arts, Inc. took action to donate $1,000 to help fund the project. But additional funds will be needed to complete the project.
The group will begin to broaden community outreach for the project by contacting local radio stations and newspapers.
Please contact Janee Lensing if you have questions and are interested in making a contribution to this terrific project. More information is also available on the Gold Beach Art Enthusiasts Facebook page
Interested persons are requested to complete this form and bring to the next meeting.
cog-registration-022421Post: February 23, 2021
Nothing excites artists more than a blank canvas — in this case a really BIG blank canvas!
The Curry County Fair Board has approved the painting of an indoor mural in one of the large buildings on the grounds of at the Event Center on the Beach in Gold Beach. All members of the community are invited to participate.
The mural will be on an expansive space of approximately 800-1200 square feet with a completion goal of June 2021.
It is anticipated that over 40 individuals will be needed to complete this project. Participants will include community members of all ages and artistic abilities including Curry Arts, Inc. and Gold Beach Art Enthusiasts members, local schools and organizations, and any other interested individuals.
If you are interested in being a part of this exciting community adventure, the first meeting to establish a planning and painting committee will be held Wednesday, Feb. 24 @4:30pm at the fairgrounds.
For more information, contact Janee Lensing at or visit the Gold Beach Art Enthusiasts Facebook page
Curry Arts, Inc. and its outreach group, Gold Beach Arts Enthusiasts have received a $550 grant from Curry County Cultural Coalition and the Oregon Trust Foundation to help with the costs of the project. A special thanks to the two organizations for their financial support and to Janee Lensing for spearheading this effort!
Keep an eye on this website for updates as this project develops.