Curry Arts, Inc. is a non-profit organization that promotes art and crafts within the community.
Monies raised are used to fund scholarships to Gold Beach High School graduates to further their education and to help fund the arts and music programs in Gold Beach schools. School donations are made to a “290 Fund” that is managed by the classroom teacher and used to purchase art supplies and musical instruments. The donations cannot be used to replace school funding that is diverted for other purposes.
Over the past five years, Curry Arts has given more than $30,000 to our local elementary school’s art program and the Gold Beach High School’s art and music programs. The organization was founded in 1973 and incorporated in 1978.
Terms expire 8/31/2024:
Bobby Bales
Tammy DeLaney
Theresa Hendrix
Janee Lensing
Doreen Nielson
Terms expire 8/31/2025:
Magda Druzdzel
Shelley Macintosh
Paul Renner